The Crypto Fear & Greed Index.
Last updated
The Crypto Fear & Greed Index.
Last updated is currently the 3rd biggest Fear & Greed website in the world.
We’re proud to be the top result on when searching for any altcoin's fear and greed index.
We’re currently the only AI powered Fear & Greed. The only multi-timeframe Fear & Greed. And the only Fear & Greed tracking memes.
With far more accuracy when compared to more mainstream Fear & Greeds, we’re proud to be at the cutting edge of technology within our industry. is set to become a one stop platform for all traders, investors and holders with upcoming updates such as:
Built in exchanges.
Custom alerts across 5 platforms.
Custom trading view charts.
AI trading agents for subscribers.
Once we have full control of the crypto market will also be merged with Stocks, Forex, Memes and even NFT markets.